Positive Relationships & Behaviour

We want to create and foster a safe, calm environment where everyone feels secure and respected. We want a working environment which encourages pupils and staff to give their best both inside and outside of the school. 

Our approach to positive behaviour provides a framework in order to support our pupils and staff to establish and maintain good relationships in an atmosphere of encouragement, praise and rewards linked to our school rules. Our aim is to foster an inclusive school community where children can learn and develop as confident citizens in a multicultural context. We recognise that, within a climate of inclusion, there will be children who need a personalised approach to their specific behavioural needs. 

All members of the school community are asked to respect each other. 

  • Everyone should have high aspirations and try their best to make sure they achieve their goals
  • Everyone is expected to respect their own and other people’s property and to take care of books and equipment
  • Everyone should be considerate to others when moving around the school by walking carefully and quietly
  • Physical violence is not acceptable, neither is retaliation
  • Abusive, racist or homophobic language will not be tolerated in the school
  • Everyone is expected to be punctual and attend to the best of their ability 
  • Children should wear the correct school uniform

This code of conduct has been formulated for the safety and well-being of the children in our school.

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Day to day interactions

Positive, daily interactions are the key to promoting good behaviour.  We expect all classrooms to have:

  • A positive classroom tone 
  • Clear classroom charters/rules/agreements displayed which have been agreed by the teacher and the class 
  • Clear expectations about learning which is set at an appropriate level for the child 
  • A visual timetable so children know what is planned for the day
  • A well-planned environment so that children can move easily, can find resources, etc. 
  • A time out area in the classroom for children to ‘cool down’
  • Class lists and details of pupils (with due regard to information sharing principles) who are being supported with their behaviour available for cover/supply teachers so that consistency can be maintained –this is to be found in the classroom file.
  • Strategic seating arrangements for children when working on the carpet or at a table.
  • The school’s system for rewards clearly displayed 
  • The school’s system for sanctions clearly displayed
  • The values of the school clearly displayed

We celebrate our children's successes in many ways.  This includes immediate feedback, postcards home, Star of the Week, 'Top Table' and Reward Trips

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Other important things to think about and be aware of:

  • Think positive before negative

This can apply to individuals as well as to classes. Before making a suggestion about a child’s work or behaviour, aim to have made positive contact with them beforehand. They will usually be more receptive to what you have to say.

Within the class, aim to appreciate children before criticising. The lesson children will learn is that they are more likely to get attention when they behave or work well than when they behave badly.

  • Acknowledge feelings

Children often misbehave because they feel upset. One reason for this can be to attract adult attention to their bad feelings in the hope that they will get some help with them. Acknowledging the child’s feelings can pre-empt them resorting to other ways to get your attention.

  • Being consistent

Children have a need for the world to be as reliable as possible. When staff act consistently and reliably, they make the child feel safer and therefore less anxious. This in turn will make it less likely that events will trigger off bad behaviour. Using a calm approach when a child is making inappropriate behaviour choices is particularly important. It is far better to allow a child some ‘time out’ than to engage in a two-way argument where it will escalate the child’s behaviours.

  • Model desired behaviour

It is important for adults within the school to model the kinds of behaviour that they expect from children in terms of respect, concern, fairness, how to apologise, how to resolve difficulties fairly and amicably. Dealing with difficult behaviour can trigger feelings of anger, irritation, disappointment or even despair. It is better to avoid communicating these feelings. Responses should be low key and matter of fact. 

  • New day – new start!

It is important to us that every day is a new day, a new chance to do well. In most instances, the consequences of any negative behaviour will be received on the same day which means children can have a fresh start each morning to do the right thing. In fact, we believe that each session should be seen, where possible as a fresh start for the children - believing that they can create excellence even if they have made an error previously.
